JimmyCraft Open Sources Projects!
Mega32Grbl https://github.com/jmysu/R3Esp32Grbl ESP32® Grbl Board w/ Arduino® form factor. Mega32Shield https://github.com/jmysu/R3Esp32Grbl ESP32® Proto Shield w/ Arduino® form factor.
Mega32Grbl https://github.com/jmysu/R3Esp32Grbl ESP32® Grbl Board w/ Arduino® form factor.
Mega32Shield https://github.com/jmysu/R3Esp32Grbl ESP32® Proto Shield w/ Arduino® form factor.
Both Mega32Grbl and Mega32Shield were hosted on Github-Page: https://jmysu.github.io/Mega32 MK12 vapourware archived: https://github.com/jmysu/MK12
Both Mega32Grbl and Mega32Shield were hosted on Github-Page: https://jmysu.github.io/Mega32
MK12 vapourware archived: https://github.com/jmysu/MK12
07/14 07/21 07/28 08/04 08/11 08/18 08/25 09/01 09/08 09/15 09/22 09/29 10/06Mega32 PCB Design/Layout PCB Debug PCB 2nd RUN ESP32/PlatformIO ESP32/WebUI User Guide HardwareFirmwareDoc Mega32 時程規劃
I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. Bill Gates 我找了個懶人做硬活. 因為懶人會搞軟活. 比爾 大門口
Table of Contents
JimmyCraft Open Sources Projects!
2019-07-04, Github Page website hosted.
ToDO List
Project Timeline